January is over, how long did that feel? Even longer, as alcohol has not passed my lips since NYE! Finally, I can start drinking again!
Pints of delicious alcohol aside, this next month is shaping up to be an exciting one! Job prospects are on the horizon and even the proposition of moving out, yes - you heard right! Finally, at the ripe old age of 26! February could be the month I up sticks and move out! However, the only thing holding me back is finding somewhere to live, how bloody difficult is it?
As I mentioned in my previous post, one of the most positive things I achieved in January was to set and stick to a daily routine. I'm proud of myself for sticking to it and incorporating it as a part of my day. I can tell you, it has made getting out of bed much so much easier in the morning! Exercise, meditation and positive thinking can get you a long way, believe me!
You'll all remember how much I raved about my new diary and this remains one of the main things that has got me through the first month of the year. Setting targets, making lists and writing thoughts down on paper has really helped me organise and smash January. Green tea has been another one of my saviours. A good ol' cuppa or iced green tea has been the perfect start to each day.
Clothing wise it has to be the classic round neck T-shirt. I know it's freezing cold out there and yes I was bloody freezing, not to mention windswept when I shot this post. The basic tee has come in handy this month as it's just such a cool casual base to any outfit. If you know me, you'll know I hardly ever wear a boring old round neck, however, this month this has changed. I've been reaching for this style instead of my classic go-to scoop neck tee, which is a big change for me. I think the higher neck looks better with the "slightly" shorter hair do.

You may recognise this t-shirt as I wore it in one of my recent posts, I was going to dedicate a post solely on this super cool t-shirt but sadly days after I'd bought it online from Levi they'd taken it off their website. I have no idea why, but it meant I couldn't really write something on it as I don't like featuring things you can't get your hands on! This, however, is another prime example of me subconsciously buying a round neck, but how could I not when the graphic on the front looks this cool! 'It's only rock and roll!' -
And I actually like it!
I'd love to know the things that got you through January? As I'll need more motivation to keep me going in February! Looking on the bright side 2018 has now officially started, January which seemed like the longest month in the world is over! We've made it! Come at me February and of course, I'll be sure to make you wet!
Hey guys, how're you all doing? Still battling through dry Jan? I bloody am! 28 days strong without one drop of alcohol, I can finally see the 'Coors Light' (such a bad pun) at the end of the tunnel! Anyway, today I want to talk about my daily routine, which again, I have managed to keep up for the past 28 days! And to tell you the truth I'm pretty proud of myself!
Why did I start a daily routine? Well, last year I worked hard don't get me wrong but I didn't really have a routine. I sort of made it down and started working around 10AM every day and I say that very loosely. I worked in my dining room (or as I now refer to it as "The Nerve Centre") for pretty much a solid year. However, sitting down in front of my laptop every day for a year was beginning to take its toll, as well as being pretty uninspiring and monotonous!
I knew this year called for a fresh start and a new routine that got me up and motivated, to start my day. As soon as 2018 started, sorry, I mean, 2nd January came around (1st January was spent like probably many of you, very, very hungover!) I started my new daily routine.
I planned it all out, get up at 8AM, go out for a run/jog, get back, jump in the shower and then sit down and meditate for 15 minutes before opening my laptop. That's exactly what I've been sticking to each weekday since. I can honestly tell you I feel so much better for it, and I'm not just saying it, I actually do! Yes the jogs will get longer in distance and I may even start meditating for a little longer each day, but you have to start somewhere, right? I've made it over the first hurdle and persisted with it enough to make it a part of my daily routine. Things can only get better.

The part I enjoy the most is the meditation. Yes, I'm a total novice, I mean I'd never tried it before, I don't know if I'm doing it right or wrong, but I can see and feel the benefits. I guess I must be doing something right. I sit cross-legged in my bedroom with the door closed from all the distractions and noise and take 15 minutes just to relax, focus and concentrate on breathing and emptying my thoughts every morning before starting my day.
I set a timer for 15 minutes, plug my headphones in, then simply listen to some meditation videos on YouTube, this is my current favourite soundtrack (click here.) An iced green tea by my side, it's pretty much the perfect start to any day. I have, however, just stumbled upon Headspace, an app anyone can download for free. Giving you a super easy, clear crash course in meditating for beginners. I'd strongly recommend checking it out for anyone who wants to give meditation a go!
If you've never tried it, I'd say it's definitely worth a shot. I mean its only 15 minutes out of your day, you've still have the other 23 hours and 45 minutes to do whatever you want. I really think making time for meditation is something everyone should do, or at least try.
If you've tried it, or meditate yourself I'd love to know some tips! I'm obviously still a newbie over here, so any secrets you do have, I'd love to know them.
So, here we are, another Wednesday calls for another post. Today I know exactly what I want to talk about. I officially joined the T.G.F gang at Christmas time. When I was kindly bought my first ring as a present from my parents. It was an awesome surprise when I saw that little black box resting on top of my rock 'n' roll biker jacket. But believe me, this has been a long time coming, as I've always been a huge fan of their rings and finally I was lucky enough to own one. Or now, lucky enough to own two!
Yes, I decided to buy another. I've waited 28 whole days for this beauty but it finally arrived yesterday. I ordered this ring the day after Boxing Day as the money I received over Christmas was well and truly burning a hole in my pocket! So the obvious option was to get another, right?
As I've said I'd not owned one of their rings until Christmas and that was down to pretty much one thing, that thing was sizing. Buying a ring which costs as much as one of their beauties you need to know it fits. The other rings I wear on my fingers were either given to me or bought like this one. I've collected them over a matter of years and all fit me, down to, believe it or not, luck.
I guess it's a lot easier to physically have a ring in front of you and to try it on before buying or to find a finger which it fits. However, when you're buying a ring without physically seeing or even trying it on, it's a lot more difficult!
The Great Frog has thankfully thought of this downside and either sell ring sizers through their website, offer a free resizing option after buying or sneak a sizer in the box with the ring you have chosen. This was dangerous for me as then I had something to actually measure my naked finger (a finger that has always been bare and ringless!) Finally, after measuring, I knew the size of this awkward finger and that's why I purchased my second T.G.F ring.
The whole look and colour scheme of my rings have always been a strict one. I've always stuck to a silver colour scheme throughout my jewellery, this, I feel looks thought about and consistent, not to mention super cool. My rings are a mix of delicate & finer rings with the odd chunky ring thrown in for good measure.
I wanted something special to wear on my last naked finger. I also wanted a ring with a pop of colour, but still in keeping with a silver band, possibly with a stone or focus point at its centre. I first saw this ring when I visited their shop in Carnaby Street over a year ago, but at the time didn't have the money to buy it. Looking across on their website I spotted it again, it was exactly what I was looking for. This small silver winged ring with a smooth, red, enamel heart at its centre is the perfect new addition to my killer collection.
The Great Frog originated in London in 1972 after forming from the emerging subcultures from the 60's. The new cultures of the punks & rockers plus the music influences coming out of the U.K and The States at the time have certainly inspired the brand and this is still what the brand encapsulates today. The Great Frog also has a list as long as your arm of enviable clients which have all bought or worn a Great Frog ring.
If you want to know more about my bejewelled fingers and the stories behind all the rings I wear every day, you'll be able to find out all this weekend on my YouTube. Or you can read my post about my other rings I wrote a few months back here.